Đặt câu với từ "obliterate|obliterated|obliterates|obliterating"

1. Bibliography: Bibliolater : Bibliolaters Words that sound like or rhyme with Bibliolater obliterator Bibliolaters bibliolatry obliterated obliterates bibliolatries obliterate obliteration obliterative obliterators

2. The clouds darkened, obliterating the sun.

3. To obliterate the memory of Sylvie.

4. Alteration: Modification; changing a thing without obliterating it

5. Could an asteroid obliterate Los Angeles?

6. The sand - storm obliterated his footprints.

7. Perhaps he could obliterate the signature?

8. The view was obliterated by the fog.

9. He obliterated the blackboard before break.

10. Especially that part she wanted to obliterate.

11. The thick smog hung in the air, obliterating the hills from view.

12. What did obliterating Aface mean to him, if anything.

13. Anne was eager to obliterate her error.

14. Hiroshima was nearly obliterated by the atomic bomb.

15. She was obliterated from my memory.

16. The snow had obliterated their footprints.

17. The Great Anunnaki obliterate Agade. Inanna escapes.

18. The village was obliterated in the war.

19. The town was obliterated by the bombs.

20. I flick on the light to obliterate him.

21. Perhaps she gets drunk to obliterate painful memories.

22. The French guns obliterated the advancing soldiers.

23. 26 He obliterated the blackboard before break.

24. A fleet of Eastern Alliance Destroyers obliterates everything that traverses from Terra.

25. The village was obliterated in the bombing raid.

26. The building was completely obliterated by the bomb.

27. The village was totally obliterated by the bomb.

28. The entire village was obliterated by the tornado.

29. Why else would they have tried to obliterate her memory?

30. With it, we anesthetize grief, annihilate jealousy, obliterate rage.

31. Nothing could obliterate the memory of those tragic events.

32. She tried to obliterate all memory of her father.

33. Collisions with small space flotsam can obliterate a ship.

34. Tonight, however, the lesser worry was obliterated by the greater.

35. Synonyms: Annihilate, exterminate, extinguish, obliterate These verbs mean to destroy completely

36. It is Charlatanism, conscious or unconscious, whenever we confuse or obliterate these

37. 67 synonyms for Annihilate: destroy, abolish, wipe out, erase, eradicate, extinguish, obliterate

38. Everything that happened that night was obliterated from his memory.

39. The head, by contrast, is obliterated by formless, meandering lines.

40. The fog rolled across the fields, obliterating everything in its path with a flannel-like opacity.

41. 11 Irenaeus strived to obliterate Gnostic ideas and the writings that espoused them.

42. His productivity and avidity for life could not obliterate an inner malaise.

43. No doubt in an H-bomb war great cities would be obliterated.

44. The rest was obliterated by buildings and private and public gardens.

45. 8 The head, by contrast, is obliterated by formless, meandering lines.

46. He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated.

47. Diego Rodriguez died almost instantly when Detective Dunn's bullet obliterated his heart.

48. And when he had done with her, she could wipe him from her mind, obliterate him.

49. This distinction between fines and Amercements, absolute in theory, could readily be obliterated in practice

50. The pale sun of early morning was being obliterated and would soon be entirely overcast.

51. In 413 BC, a massive Athenian expedition force was completely obliterated in Sicily.

52. There was time enough to obliterate memories of how things once were for him.

53. Frequent flooding eventually obliterated all traces of the community that used to live there.

54. He was even willing to pay Talon Karrde 000 credits to ensure Mount Tantiss was obliterated.

55. The Allantois obliterated forming the urachus, after that, it transformed into median umbilical ligament

56. What I tried to do was obliterate this life and replace it with another, a more perfect one.

57. Credited with everything from obliterating hot flashes to relieving pain, soy is one of the current health-media darlings.

58. At the same time, Black Prince was obliterated by accurate fire from the battleship Ostfriesland.

59. He further obliterates his own identity behind a pair of mirrored sunglasses, whose glassy surface deflects even the most tenacious gaze.

60. With repeated blows as it expanded the reverse obliterated creating the huge stretchered Lincoln obverse Brockage.

61. The sunlight can be obliterated and it may become as dark as night at ground level.

62. 29 The pale sun of early morning was being obliterated and would soon be entirely overcast.

63. Can they reach his brain in time, obliterate the clot, and learn the secrets the man holds?

64. Johnson easily won the 400, then came back three days later to obliterate the record in the

65. Is Adolfo feastful or obliterate when Anagrammatising some propeller epilating poisonously? Subsessile Darrel usually alerts some amyotrophy or roust diaphanously

66. Cockchafers were once highly abundant until pesticide use in the mid 20th Century almost obliterated them

67. We know little about the earlier advances because the evidence was obliterated by the ice itself.

68. The best Blender for smoothies will crush ice, pulverize frozen berries, and obliterate hard greens like celery and cucumber

69. Aqueous plaster leveller compositions of specified density, and their use to obliterate relief of textured wallcoverings, are disclosed.

70. The problem is that try as you might to obliterate jealousy, jealousy keeps cropping up - that's certainly my experience.

71. All it takes is more than 5 cycles of Cramped to completely obliterate an adult population of pacu

72. Failure to correct them only fuels the right-wing demands that obliterate the very protections that liberals cherish.

73. The lesion causing Bilharzic cor pulmonary is an extensive obliterating pulmonary endarteritis due to massive and repeated infection of the lungs with ova

74. Who among us is so righteous that a sane society would entrust her with the power to obliterate a city?

75. As Clubbing progresses, the angle between the nail and the nail base (called the Lovibond angle) becomes obliterated.

76. The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. George Orwell 

77. From clean, mellow ambient sounds to the most obliterating high gain, Archetype: Gojira provides enough options for you to create your own iconic sounds.

78. Opposition forces have constantly rebelled and tried to kill the leader,[Sentencedict] and he has always tried to obliterate them.

79. People like me, who obliterate your silly, politically-correct Bellyachings, and make valid points that you have no answers for

80. And with Comet Swift-Tuttle due to obliterate the Earth in August 2 it could be a close-run thing.